Patent Costs Act – PatKostG

§ 1 Geltungsbereich, Statutory authorizations

(1) The of the German patent fees- be and Trademark Office and the Federal Patent Court, extent legally otherwise specified, levied under this Act. For costs incurred in proceedings before the Federal Patent Court, the Court Costs Act shall apply.

(2) The Federal Ministry of Justice is authorized, by ordinance, the need not the approval of the Bundesrat, to determine,

that in proceedings before the German Patent- and Trademark Office in addition to 'this Act fees and expenses, and administrative costs (Fees and costs for certificates, Certifications, Inspection of files and information and other official acts) be collected and
which payment ways for the German to the Patent- and Trademark Office and the Federal Patent Court Costs payable (Fees and Expenses) apply and to make provisions for the payment.

§ 2 Höhe der Gebühren

(1) Fees are charged according to the Schedule of Fees annexed to this Act.

(2) For actions and injunctions before the Federal Patent Court, the fees depend on the amount in dispute. The amount of the fee shall be determined in accordance with § 34 the Court Costs Act. The minimum amount of a fee 121 €. For the determination of the amount in dispute, the rules of the Court Costs Act shall apply mutatis mutandis. The rules on dispute reduction (§ 144 of the Patent Act and § 26 Utility Model Law) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

§ 3 Fälligkeit der Gebühren

(1) The fees will be filing a registration, an application or payable by the making of any other act or with the delivery of the corresponding statement for the record, extent legally otherwise specified. Any other action within the meaning of this law is particularly

the lodging of appeals and appeals;
the application for judicial decision in accordance with § 61 Abs. 2 of the Patent Act;
the declaration of joining the opposition procedure;
filing a complaint;
the amendment of an application or an application, if this results in a higher fee for the process or the decision.

The fee for the unsuccessful complaint for breach of the right to be heard is due upon notification of the decision. An alternative application made will be added to the main application to the assessment of fees to be, so far been made a decision about him; as far as the main- and auxiliary application relating to the same subject, the amount of the fee is assessed only after the application, leading to higher fee. Specifies the memory leader under § 64 Abs. 6 Set 2 the Trademark Act, a complaint, he has not to pay an appeal fee.

(2) The annual fees for patents, Protection certificates and patent applications and renewal fees for brands as well as the maintenance fees for utility model and design patents are payable for the following protection period on the last day of the month, the same name as the month, in the filing date falls. If a utility model registered until the end of the first or a subsequent term of protection, so the maintenance fee on the last day of the month is due, in which the entry in the register is made known.

§ 4 Kostenschuldner

(1) For payment of costs shall,

who is causing the official act or for whose benefit they made;
who, by decision of the German Patent- and Trademark Office or the Federal Patent Court imposed the costs;
who bears the costs by one against the German Patent- and Trademark Office or the Federal Patent Court delivered or the German Patent- and Trademark Office or the Federal Patent Court has assumed notified Statement;
who is liable for the cost of debt of another by operation of law.

(2) Several cost debtors jointly and severally liable.

(3) If a party liable for costs pursuant to paragraph 1 No.. 2 and 3 liable, to the liability of a debtor other costs will only be accepted, if a foreclosure has remained in the movable assets of the former unsuccessful or hopeless appears. Unless a party liable for costs, of pursuant to paragraph 1 No.. 2 liable, Legal aid is granted, should not be relied on the liability of a debtor other costs. Amounts already paid shall be reimbursed.

§ 5 Vorauszahlung, Advance

(1) In proceedings before the German Patent- and Trademark Office to be made after payment of the processing fee for the process and the advance for the publication costs; this also applies, when applications are changed. Set 1 does not apply to requests for forwarding an application to the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Brands, Marks and Designs) according to § 125a of the Trade Marks Act, § 62 of the Design Act and requests for forwarding of international applications at the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization, pursuant to § 68 of the Design Act. In proceedings before the Federal Patent Court, the action shall be delivered only after payment of the fee for the procedure; in case of acceding to the objection on appeal or in joining the opposition in the case of the judgment under § 61 Abs. 2 of the Patent Act is to be made no judicial action before payment of the fee.

(2) The annual fees for patents, Protection certificates and patent applications, the renewal fees for brands and maintenance fees for utility model and design patents must be paid in advance at the earliest one year before the due date, unless otherwise determined.

§ 6 Zahlungsfristen, Consequences of non-payment

(1) Where a period is determined for the submission of an application or from engaging in other forms of action by law, so within that period, the fee payable. All other fees are within three months of the due (§ 3 Abs. 1) to pay, extent legally otherwise specified.

(2) If a fee in accordance with paragraph 1 not, incomplete or not paid on time, the application or the application shall be considered withdrawn, not made or the action as, extent legally otherwise specified.

(3) Paragraph 2 is on forwarding charges (Numbers 335 100, 344 100 and 345 100) not applicable.

(4) Pay to the memory leader not the fee for the memory process, not or not fully, so shall also the by him pursuant to § 64 Abs. 6 Set 2 the Trademark Act complaint lodged to be withdrawn.

§ 7 Zahlungsfristen für Jahres-, Sustaining- and patent renewal fees, Late charge

(1) The annual fees for patents, Protection certificates and patent applications, the renewal fees for brands and maintenance fees for utility model and design patents are payable until the end of the second month after the due date. If the fee is not within the period of the sentence 1 paid, the fee can be paid with the late fee until the end of the sixth month after the due date.

(2) For design is in deferment of image notice the extension fee within the period of deferment (§ 21 Abs. 1 Set 1 of the Design Act) to pay.

(3) If the classification of a registered trademark changed in the extension due to a change in the classification, and this leads to an increase of the amount of class fees, so the additional class fees may also after the deadline referred to in paragraph 1 be paid subsequently, if the renewal fee has been paid within the prescribed period. The additional payment shall end with the expiry of the 18. Month after the due date of the renewal fee. A late fee is not paid.

§ 8 Kostenansatz

(1) The costs are recognized:

the German Patent- and Trademark Office
submitting an application,
submitting a request,
in the case of joining the opposition procedure,
submitting a request for a court decision pursuant to § 61 Abs. 2 of the Patent Act and
event of an appeal or appeal,
the Federal Patent Court
in filing a lawsuit,
submitting a request for a preliminary injunction,
in case of acceding to the objection on appeal or in proceedings under § 61 Abs. 2 of the Patent Act and
in an unsuccessful complaint for breach of the right to be heard,

even if they stem from a requested court or requested authority.

(2) The Sets, which has assessed the costs, meets the decisions referred to §§ 9 and 10.

§ 9 Unrichtige Sachbehandlung

Costs, which would not have occurred with proper handling of the case, not applicable.

§ 10 Rückzahlung von Kosten, Elimination of the fee

(1) Prepaid fees, can not be due, and unused advances expenses are reimbursed. The refund of partial amounts of the annual fee number 312 205 to 312 207 Schedule of Fees is excluded.

(2) If an application or a request to be withdrawn (§ 6 Abs. 2) or pursuant to other statutory provisions to be withdrawn or expires a property right, because the fee was not paid or not fully, so eliminates the fee, if the official act requested was not performed.

§ 11 Erinnerung, Complaint

(1) About memories of costs against the debtor or against cost approach measures pursuant to § 5 Abs. 1 decides the place, which has assessed the costs. You can change their decision ex officio. The memory must be filed or recorded at the office at the office, which has assessed the costs.

(2) The decision of the German Patent- and Trademark Office on the memory may lodge the complaint liable for costs. The Board is not bound by a time limit and in writing or on the record of the office at the German Patent- insert and Trademark Office. Considered the German Patent- and Trademark Office justified the complaint for, it shall rectify its. If the appeal is not allowed, shall be remitted to the Federal Patent Court.

(3) An appeal against the decision of the Federal Patent Court on the cost approach does not take place.

§ 12 Verjährung, Interest

For the limitation period and the interest cost claims and claims for reimbursement of costs, § 5 according to the Law on Court Costs.

§ 13 Anwendung der bisherigen Gebührensätze

(1) Even after the entry into force of a revised fee rate applicable before that date, rates are continuing to apply,

if the due date of the fee is prior to the entry into force of the amended rate or
if for the payment of a fee by law to pay is determined and the relevant for the beginning of the period event is prior to the entry into force of the amended rate or
if the payment of an overdue after the entry into force of the amended fees set fee is made on the basis of existing prepayment provisions before the entry into force of the amended fees set.

(2) When testing applications under § 44 of the Patent Act and research applications under § 43 of the Patent Act, § 11 the extent of the law and § 7 Utility Model Law are to continue to apply the existing fee rates, if the application and fee payment are received prior to the entry into force of a revised fee rate.

(3) If a maturing within three months after the entry into force of a revised fee rate fee after the existing fee rates paid on time, so the difference may until the expiry of the German Patent- and Trademark Office or Federal Patent Court shall be paid subsequently to be set deadline. If the difference been paid within the prescribed period, the fee shall be deemed timely paid. A late charge is not applicable in these cases.

(4) Procedural acts, Change a notification or an application, have no effect on the amount of the fee, if the fee is calculated at the time of application instituting proceedings not by its scope.

§ 14 Übergangsvorschriften aus Anlass des Inkrafttretens dieses Gesetzes

(1) The existing fee rates in the Appendix to § 1 (Schedule of Fees) of the Patent Law of fees 18. August 1976 by Article 10 of the Law of 22. December 1999 (Gazette. I S. 2534) amended, are also in accordance with the 1. January 2002 continue to apply,

if the due date of the fee before the 1. January 2002 is or
if for the payment of a fee by law to pay is determined and the relevant for the beginning of the period before the event 1. January 2002 is or
if the payment after a 1. January 2002 fee payable under existing prepayment arrangements before the 1. January 2002 is done.

In the cases of the theorem 1 No.. 1 accordance with existing provisions for the beginning of the payment period, the delivery of a notification fee and is this before 1. January 2002 not done, then the fee until 31. March 2002 be paid.

(2) In those cases, in which the 1. January 2002 under previous rules, only the annual, Sustaining- and patent renewal fees, but not the late fees are due, case, the amount and the maturity of the delay surcharge pursuant to § 7 Abs. 1 with the proviso, that the fees associated with late fee until 30. June 2002 may be paid.

(3) The previously applicable rates are for design and type faces, the front of the 1. January 2002 have been logged, only continue to apply, if indeed the respective term of protection or period pursuant to § 8b para. 2 Set 1 of the Design Act before the 1. January 2002 has expired, but not yet the time for payment of extension- or extension fee with late fee, with the proviso, that the fees associated with late fee until 30. June 2002 may be paid.

(4) When testing applications under § 44 of the Patent Act and research applications under § 43 of the Patent Act, § 11 the extent of the law and § 7 Utility Model Law are to continue to apply the existing fee rates, if the application and the payment of fees before the 1. January 2002 received.

(5) If one within three months after the 1. January 2002 maturing fee under the existing fee rates paid on time, so the difference may until the expiry of the German Patent- and Trademark Office or Federal Patent Court shall be paid subsequently to be set deadline. If the difference been paid within the prescribed period, the fee shall be deemed timely paid. A late charge is not applicable in these cases.

§ 15 Übergangsvorschriften aus Anlass des Inkrafttretens des Geschmacksmusterreformgesetzes

(1) In those cases, in which the 31. More 2004 extension fees for designs or typographical characters, but not the late fee are due, is the deadline for payment of the extension fee until the end of the deferment under § 21 Abs. 1 Set 1 extended the Design Act. A late fee is not paid.

(2) In those cases, in which the 31. More 2004 extension fees for designs or typographical characters only with the late fee within the period of deferment under § 8b of the Design Act in until the end of the 31. More 2004 as amended, may be paid, is the time limit for payment up to the end of the deferment under § 21 Abs. 1 Set 1 extended the Design Act.

Plant (zu § 2 Abs. 1)
Schedule of Fees

(Reference: Gazette. I 2001, 3659 – 3666;
Fairs. the individual changes cf.. Footnote)

I   Nr.   I chargeable event I fee I
III in Euro I
I ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
I A. Fees of the German Patent- and Trademark Office I
I (1) Are for an electronic application reduced charges determined I
I as an application in paper form, be the lower I
I only collected fees, if the electronic application after I
I by the respective regulation of the German Patent- and Trademark Office
I allowed.                                                      I
I (2) The billing number 313 600, 323 100, 331 600, 333 000, 333 300 und
I     362 100 are collected separately for each applicant.          I
I                                                                        I
I I. Patentsachen                                                        I
I 1. I grant procedure
I I logon process (§ 34 Patgan, Article III § 4     I           I
I         I Abs. 2 Set 1 IntPatÜbkG)                        I           I
I         I - if filed electronically II
I 311 000 I   - containing up to ten claims .... I        40 I
I 311 050 I   - contains more than ten claims:   I I
I I The fee 311 000 increases for each I I
I I further claim for each ............... I        20 I
I 311 100 I - for applications on paper: The fees I I
I I   311 000 and 311 050 increase respectively to I I
I I 1.5 times.                                  I           I
I 311 200 I Research (§ 43 Patgan) .......................... I       250 I
II examination procedure II
I I (§ 44 Patgan)                                      I           I
I 311 300 I - when an application pursuant to § 43 Patent Act already I I
I I have been asked .......................... I       150 I
I 311 400 I - when an application pursuant to § 43 PatG not I I
I I have been asked .......................... I       350 I
I 311 500 I logon process for a complementary II
I I protection certificate (§ 49a PatG) .................. I       300 I
II extension of the duration of a supplementary II
I I protection certificate (§ 49a Abs. 3 Patgan)            I           I
I 311 600 I - if the application together with the application for II
II granting of the supplementary protection certificate II
I I will put ................................ I       100 I
I 311 610 I - if the application after the application for II
II of the supplementary protection certificate provided II
I I will ......................................... I       200 I                           
I                                                                        I
I 2. Maintenance of a patent or an application I
I I renewal fees in accordance with § 17 Abs. 1 PatG            I           I
I 312 030 I for the 3. Patentjahr .......................... I        70 I
I 312 031 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I        35 I
I 312 032 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 040 I for the 4. Patentjahr .......................... I        70 I
I 312 041 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I        35 I
I 312 042 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 050 I for the 5. Patentjahr .......................... I        90 I
I 312 051 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I        45 I
I 312 052 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 060 I for the 6. Patentjahr .......................... I       130 I
I 312 061 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I        65 I
I 312 062 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 070 I for the 7. Patentjahr .......................... I       180 I
I 312 071 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I        90 I
I 312 072 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 080 I for the 8. Patentjahr .......................... I       240 I
I 312 081 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       120 I
I 312 082 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 090 I for the 9. Patentjahr .......................... I       290 I
I 312 091 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       145 I
I 312 092 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 100 I for the 10. Patentjahr ......................... I       350 I
I 312 101 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       175 I
I 312 102 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 110 I for the 11. Patentjahr ......................... I       470 I
I 312 111 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       235 I
I 312 112 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 120 I for the 12. Patentjahr ......................... I       620 I
I 312 121 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       310 I
I 312 122 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 130 I for the 13. Patentjahr ......................... I       760 I
I 312 131 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       380 I
I 312 132 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 140 I for the 14. Patentjahr ......................... I       910 I
I 312 141 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       455 I
I 312 142 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 150 I for the 15. Patentjahr ......................... I     1 060 I
I 312 151 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       530 I
I 312 152 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 160 I for the 16. Patentjahr ......................... I     1 230 I
I 312 161 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       615 I
I 312 162 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 170 I for the 17. Patentjahr ......................... I     1 410 I
I 312 171 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       705 I
I 312 172 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 180 I for the 18. Patentjahr ......................... I     1 590 I
I 312 181 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       795 I
I 312 182 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 190 I for the 19. Patentjahr ......................... I     1 760 I
I 312 191 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       880 I
I 312 192 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 200 I for the 20. Patentjahr ......................... I     1 940 I
I 312 201 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       970 I
I 312 202 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I I pay the 3. to 5. Annual fee for I I
I I maturity of the 3. Annual fee:                  I           I
I 312 205 I Fees 312 030 to 312 050 reduce I I
I I to be ....................................... I       200 I
I 312 206 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I       100 I
I 312 207 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
II renewal fees pursuant to § 16a German Patent Act II
I 312 210 I for the 1. Year of complementary protection ....... I     2 650 I
I 312 211 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I     1 325 I
I 312 212 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 220 I for the 2. Year of complementary protection ....... I     2 940 I
I 312 221 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I     1 470 I
I 312 222 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 230 I for the 3. Year of complementary protection ....... I     3 290 I
I 312 231 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I     1 645 I
I 312 232 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 240 I for the 4. Year of complementary protection ....... I     3 650 I
I 312 241 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I     1 825 I
I 312 242 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 250 I for the 5. Year of complementary protection ....... I     4 120 I
I 312 251 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I     2 060 I
I 312 252 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 312 260 I for the 6. Year of complementary protection ....... I     4 520 I
I 312 261 I - for licensing declaration of readiness II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 1 Patgan) ........................... I     2 260 I
I 312 262 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I      
I                                                                        I
I 3. Other applications I
I 313 000 I further processing fee (§ 123a PatG) .......... I       100 In
II Erfindervergütung II
In 313 200 I - Fixing method (§ 23 Abs. 4 Patgan) ..... I        60 I
I 313 300 I - Procedure for amendments to fixing II
I I   (§ 23 Abs. 5 Patgan) ........................... I       120 I
II right to the exclusive use of the II
II invention II
I 313 400 I - Registration of the concession II
I I   (§ 30 Abs. 4 Set 1 Patgan) .................... I        25 I
I 313 500 I - Delete this entry II
I I   (§ 30 Abs. 4 Set 3 Patgan) .................... I        25 I
I 313 600 I appeal procedures (§ 59 Abs. 1 und Abs. 2 Patgan)        200 I
I 313 700 I restriction- or revocation proceedings I I
I I (§ 64 Patgan) .................................... I       120 I
II Publication of translations or II
II corrected translations II
I 313 800 I - the claims of European II
I I patent applications (Article II § 2 Abs. 1       I           I
I         I   IntPatÜbkG) .................................. I        60 I
I 313 810 I - the claims of European patent-       I I
I I declarations, in which the parties to the I I
II Agreement relating to Community patents II
I I have named (Article 4 Abs. 2 Set 2 of I I
II Second Act on the Community patent) I        60 I
I 313 820 I (disappeared)                                    I           I
I 313 900 I Transmittal of the International Application II
I I (Article III § 1 Abs. 2 IntPatÜbkG) ............ I        90 I
I                                                                        I
I 4. Requests relating to the extension of industrial I
I rights I
I 314 100 I Publication of translations or II
II corrected translations of extended II
I I patents (§ 8 Abs. 1 and 3 ErstrG) ............. I       150 I
I 314 200 I search for a patent erstrecktes II
I I (§ 11 ErstrG) .................................. I       250 I
I                                                                        I
I 5. Requests relating to complementary II
I Protection Certificates II
I 315 100 I request for correction of maturity ........... I       150 I
I 315 200 I Application for revocation of the extension of II
I I term ....................................... I       200 I       
I                                                                        I
I II. Use patterns Things I
I 1. Registration procedure I
I I logon process (§ 4 GebrMG, Article III § 4    I           I
I         I Abs. 2 Set 1 IntPatÜbkG)                        I           I 
I 321 000 I - if filed electronically ................. I        30 I
I 321 100 I - for applications on paper .................. I        40 I
I 321 200 I Research (§ 7 GebrMG) ......................... I       250 I
I                                                                        I
I 2. Maintenance of a utility model I
II maintenance fees pursuant II
I I § 23 Abs. 2 GebrMG                               I           I
I 322 100 I for the 4. to 6. Year of protection ................... I       210 I
I 322 101 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 322 200 I for the 7. and 8. Year of protection ................... I       350 I
I 322 201 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 322 300 I for the 9. and 10. Year of protection .................. I       530 I
I 322 301 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I                                                                        I
I 3. Other applications I
I 323 000 I further processing fee (§ 21 Abs. 1 GebrMG      I           I
I         I i.V.m. § 123a PatG) ............................ I       100 I
I 323 100 I cancellation proceedings (§ 16 GebrMG) ............... I       300 I
I                                                                        I
I III. Brands; geographical indications and designations of origin I
I 1. Registration procedure I
II registration procedures, including the II
II class fee up to three classes II
I I - for a brand (§ 32 Trademark)                  I           I
I 331 000 I - if filed electronically ................. I       290 I
I 331 100 I - for applications on paper .................. I       300 I
I 331 200 I - for a collective mark (§ 97 Trademark) ....... I       900 I
II class fee at registration for each class from II
II the fourth grade II
I 331 300 I - for a brand (§ 32 Trademark) ................ I       100 I
I 331 400 I - for a collective mark (§ 97 Trademark) ....... I       150 I
I 331 500 I Accelerated Examination of application II
I I (§ 38 Trademark) ................................. I       200 I
I 331 600 I challenge procedures (§ 42 Trademark) ........... I       120 I
I 331 700 I Procedure for division of an application II
I I (§ 40 Trademark) ................................. I       300 I
I 331 800 I method for partial transfer of an application II
I I (§ 27 Abs. 4, § 31 Trademark) .................... I       300 I
I                                                                        I
I 2. Extension of the term of protection I
II renewal fee, including II
II class fee up to three classes II
I 332 100 I - for a brand (§ 47 Abs. 3 Trademark) ......... I       750 I
I 332 101 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I 332 200 I - for a collective mark (§ 97 Trademark) ....... I     1 800 I
I 332 201 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
II class fee upon renewal of each class II
II from the fourth grade II
I 332 300 I - for a mark or collective mark II
I I   (§ 47 Abs.3, § 97 Trademark) ................... I       260 I
I 332 301 I - Late charge (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) ...... I        50 I
I                                                                        I
I 3. Other applications I
I 333 000 I remembered method (§ 64 Trademark) ............ I       150 I
I 333 050 I further processing fee (§ 91a MarkenG) ........ I       100 I
I 333 100 I procedure division of a registration II
I I (§ 46 Trademark) ................................. I       300 I
I 333 200 I method for partial transfer of registration II
I I (§§ 46, 27 Abs. 4 Trademark) ..................... I       300 I
II deletion method II
I 333 300 I - invalidity of (§ 54 Trademark) ............. I       300 I
I 333 400 I - grounds of revocation (§ 49 Trademark) ................ I       100 I
I                                                                        I
I 4. International registrations I
II National fee for international II
II registration II
I 334 100 I National fee for international II
I I registration under Article 3 des Madrider I I
In the Markenabkommens (§ 108 Trademark) or by the I I
I I Protocol to the Madrid Agreement (§ 120     At
At MarkenG) as well as under the Madrid Agreement II
II and the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement II
I I (§§ 108, 120 Trademark) .......................... I       180 I
I 334 300 I National fee for the subsequent II
I I extension of protection under Article 3(high)ter Abs. 2 In the
In the des Madrider Markenabkommens (§ 111 Trademark)     I I
I I or Article 3(high)ter Abs. 2 of I I
Protocol II to the Madrid Agreement (§ 123    I           I
I         I Abs. 1 Trademark) as well as under the Madrid I I
II Agreement or the Protocol to the Madrid II
I I mark agreement (§ 123 Abs. 2 Trademark) .......... I       120 I
II conversion processes including II
II class fee up to three classes II
I I (§ 125 Abs. 1 Trademark)                           I           I
I 334 500 I - for a brand (§ 32 Trademark) ................ I       300 I
I 334 600 I - for a collective mark (§ 97 Trademark) ....... I       900 I
II class fee for each class II conversion
II from the fourth grade II
I 334 700 I - for a brand (§ 32 Trademark) ................ I       100 I
I 334 800 I - for a collective mark (§ 97 Trademark) ....... I       150 I
I                                                                        I
I 5. CTM I
I 335 100 I forwarded a CTM application II
I I (§ 125a MarkenG) ............................... I        25 I
II conversion processes including II
II class fee up to three classes II
I I (§ 125d Abs. 1 Trademark)                          I           I
I 335 200 I - for a brand (§ 32 Trademark) ................ I       300 I
I 335 300 I - for a collective mark (§ 97 Trademark) ....... I       900 I
II class fee for each class II conversion
II from the fourth grade II
I 335 400 I - for a brand (§ 32 Trademark) ................ I       100 I
I 335 500 I - for a collective mark (§ 97 Trademark) ....... I       150 I
I                                                                        I
I 6. Geographical indications and designations of origin I
I 336 100 I registration procedure (§ 130 Trademark) ........... I       900 I
I 336 200 I appeal procedures (§ 131 Trademark) ............ I       120 I
I 336 300 I cancellation proceedings (§ 132 Abs. 1 Trademark) ...... I       120 I
I                                                                        I
I IV. Design matters I
I 1. Registration Process I
I (1) Will notice costs in accordance with § 20 Set 3 Designs Law I
I charged in addition to the fees.                                I
I (2) A set of typographic characters is considered to be a pattern.        I
II registration procedures II
I I - for a pattern (§ 11 GeschmMG)                 I           I
I 341 000 I   - if filed electronically ............... I        60 I
I 341 100 I   - for applications on paper ................ I        70 I
I         I - for each of a multiple application II
I I   (§ 12 Abs. 1 GeschmMG)                         I           I
I 341 200 I   - if filed electronically ............... I         6 I
I         I                                                   - at least
III        60 I
I 341 300 I   - for applications on paper ................ I         7 I
I         I                                                   - at least
III        70 I
I 341 400 I - a pattern in deferment of II
I I notice image (§ 21 GeschmMG) ........... I        30 I
I 341 500 I - for each of a multiple application in IIS
II deferment of publication II image
I I   (§§ 12, 21 GeschmMG) ......................... I         3 I
I         I                                                   - at least
III        30 I
I 341 600 I further processing fee (§ 17 GeschmMG)          I       100 I
I extend the protection on the term of protection of § 27 Abs. 2           I
I GeschmMG for deferment of publication pursuant to § image 21            I
I Abs. 2 GeschmMG:
II II extension fee
I 341 700 I - for a design ..................... I        40 I
I 341 800 I - for each of the designs of II
I I multiple application .............................. I         4 I
I         I                                                   - at least
III        40 I
II extension fee as typographical II
II character designs filed II
I I (Article 2 Character law i. In. m. § 8b I I
I I GeschmMG in until the end of the 31. More 2004  I I
I I, as amended)                               I           I
I 341 900 I - for a design ..................... I       150 I
I 341 950 I - for each Geschmacksmuter a II
I I multiple application .............................. I        15 I
I         I                                                   - at least
III       150 I
I 2. Maintenance of the term of protection I
II maintenance fees under § 28 Abs. 1     I I
II, Designs II
I I for the 6. to 10. Protection year I I
I 342 100 I - for any design, in a I I
I I multiple application .............................. I        90 I
I 342 101 I - Late fee for each design,            I
II also in a multiple application II
I I   (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) .......................... I        50 I
I I for the 11. to 15. Protection year I I
I 342 200 I - for any design, in a I I
I I multiple application .............................. I       120 I
I 342 201 I - Late fee for each design,            I
II also in a multiple application II
I I   (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) .......................... I        50 I
I I for the 16. to 20. Protection year I I
I 342 300 I - for any design, in a I I
I I multiple application .............................. I       150 I
I 342 301 I - Late fee for each design,            I
II also in a multiple application II
I I   (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) .......................... I        50 I
I I for the 21. to 25. Protection year I I
I 342 400 I - for any design, in a I I
I I multiple application .............................. I       180 I
I 342 401 I - Late fee for each design,            I
II also in a multiple application II
I I   (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) .......................... I        50 I
I                                                                        I
I 3. Maintain designs, pursuant to § 7 Abs. 6       I
I GeschmMG in until the end of the 31. More 2004 as amended, I
I have been deposited in the original are I
I 343 100 I maintenance fee for the II
I I 6 to 10. Year of protection ........................... I       330 I
I 343 101 I - Late fee for each design,            I
II also in a multiple application II
I I   (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) .......................... I        50 I
I 343 200 I maintenance fee for the II
I I 11. to 15. Year of protection ......................... I       360 I
I 343 201 I - Late fee for each design,            I
II also in a multiple application II
I I   (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) .......................... I        50 I
I 343 300 I maintenance fee for the II
I I 16. to 20. Year of protection ......................... I       390 I
I 343 301 I - Late fee for each design,            I
II also in a multiple application II
I I   (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) .......................... I        50 I
I 343 400 I maintenance fee for the II
I I 21. to 25. Year of protection ......................... I       420 I
I 343 401 I - Late fee for each design,            I
II also in a multiple application II
I I   (§ 7 Abs. 1 Set 2) .......................... I        50 I
I                                                                        I
I 4. Community Design I
II forwarding a Community design-     I I
I I model application (§ 62 GeschmMG)                  I           I
I         I                                                  I           I
I 344 100 I for each application I        25 I
II A multiple application deemed to be a registration.    I           I
I                                                                        I
I 5. Industrial designs under the Hague Agreement I
II forwarding an industrial design II
I I model under the Hague Agreement (§ 68 GeschmMG) I           I
I         I                                                  I           I
I 345 100 I for each application I        25 I
II A multiple application deemed to be a registration.    I           I                                                                        
I                                                                        I
I V. (disappeared)                                                       I
I                                                                        I
I VI. Topography protective Things I
I 1. Registration Process I
I I logon process (§ 3 HalblSchG)                 I           I
I 361 000 I - if filed electronically ................. I       290 I
I 361 100 I - for applications on paper .................. I       300 I
I                                                                        I
I 2. Other applications I
I 362 000 I further processing fee (§ 11 Abs. 1 HalblSchG   I           I
I         I i.V.m. § 123a PatG) ............................ I       100 I
I 362 100 I cancellation proceedings (§ 8 HalblSchG) ............. I       300 I

III Fees- I
I         I                                                  I betrag/   I
I         I                                                  I Gebühren- In
III satz that I
In Nr.   I chargeable event I § 2       I
I         I                                                  I Abs. 2    I
I         I                                                  I i.V.m.    I
I         I                                                  I § 2       I
I         I                                                  I Abs. 1    I
I B. The Federal Patent Court fees
I (1) The billing number 400 000 to 401 300 be for I I
I collected each applicant separately.                 I           I
I (2) The charge number 400 000 in addition to the fee I I
I for Opposition proceedings before the German Patent-  I I
I and Trademark Office (Number 313 600) to pay.              I           I     
I I. Complaint procedures II
I 400 000 I request a court ruling to II
I I § 61 Abs. 2 PatG                                 I  300 EUR  I
I 401 100 I 1. gemäß § 73 Abs. 1 Patent Act against the decision I I
II of the Patent Department on the opposition,       I           I
I         I 2. gemäß § 18 Abs. 1 Utility Model Law against the decision I
II the utility department of the II
I I request for cancellation,                              I           I
I         I 3. gemäß § 66 MarkenG in cancellation proceedings,     I           I
I         I 4. gemäß § 4 Abs. 4 Set 3 HalblSchG i. In. m.    I           I
I         I    § 18 Abs. 2 Utility Model Law against the decision I I
I I the topography department,                      I           I
I         I 5. gemäß § 34 Abs. 1 SortSchG against I I
II of the opposition in Committee II decision
I I the cases of § 18 Abs. 2 No.. 1, 2, 5 and 6  I           I
I         I    SortSchG .................................... I   500 EUR I
I 401 200 I at a cost fixing decision ........ I    50 EUR I
I 401 300 I in other cases .............................. I   200 EUR I
II complaints in legal aid matters,      I I
I I complaints under § 11 Abs. 2 Patent Costs Law and after I I
I I § 11 Abs. 2 DPMAVwKostV are free of charge.       I           I
I         I                                                              I
I II. Action Method I
I     1. Suit pursuant to § 81 Patgan, § 85a in compound I
I, § 81 PatG und § 20 Utility Model Law, in conjunction with § 81 PatG       I
I                                                                        I
I 402 100 I procedure in general ....................... I       4,5 I
I 402 110 I completion of the entire process by II
I I a) Withdrawal of action II
I I    - before the conclusion of the hearing,, I           I
I         I    - in the case of § 83 Abs. 2 Set 2 PatG        I           I
I         I      i. In. m. § 81 Patgan, in I I
II which a hearing is not II
I I held, before the end of the day, to the I I
II the charge for appointment to the proclamation of the Second
II delivered the judgment or the written II
II judgment, the office is passed,  I           I
I         I    - in the case of § 82 Abs. 2 PatG i. In. m. § 81 I I
I I of the Patent Law before the end of the day, on which the judgment I
II the office is passed,         I           I
I         I b) Acknowledgment- and renunciation judgment,            I           I
I         I c) A settlement in court,       I I
II if not already preceded II a judgment
I I is:                                             I I
I I The fee 402 100 reduced to / ........... I       1,5 I
II settlement statements are the withdrawal II
I I is not equal to. The reduction also occurs,     I I
II when multiple Discount facts fulfills II
I I have.                                            I           I
I                                                                        I
I     2. Other legal proceedings I
I 402 200 I procedure in general ....................... I       4,5 I
I 402 210 I completion of the entire process by II
I I a) Withdrawal of action before the end of the II
I I hearing,                       I           I
I         I b) Acknowledgment- and renunciation judgment,            I           I
I         I c) A settlement in court,       I I
II if not already preceded II a judgment
I I is:                                             I I
I I The fee 402 200 reduced to / ........... I       1,5 I
II settlement statements are the withdrawal II
I I is not equal to. The reduction also occurs,     I I
II when multiple Discount facts fulfills II
I I have.                                            I           I
I                                                                        I
I     3. Injunctive relief, because I grant a
I compulsory license (§ 85 Patgan, § 85a in conjunction with § 85 PatG      I
I        und § 20 Utility Model Law, in conjunction with § 81 Patgan)                    I  
I                                                                        I
I 402 300 I method on the request ...................... I       1,5 I
I 402 310 In the process I found an oral II
I I hearing is held:                               I I
I I The fee 402 300 increased to be ............. I       4,5 I
I 402 320 I completion of the entire process by II
I I a) Withdrawal of the request before the end of the II
I I hearing,                       I           I
I         I b) Acknowledgment- and renunciation judgment,            I           I
I         I c) A settlement in court,       I I
II if not already preceded II a judgment
I I is:                                             I I
I I The fee 402 310 reduced to / ........... I       1,5 I
II settlement statements are the withdrawal II
I I is not equal to. The reduction also occurs,     I I
II when multiple Discount facts fulfills II
I I have.                                            I           I
I                                                                        I
I III. Complaint for breach of the right to be heard I
I 403 100 I method on the complaint for infringement II
II of the right to a hearing pursuant to § 321a II
I I i ZPO. In. m. § 99 Abs. 1 Patgan, § 82 Abs. 1       I I
II MarkenG II
II The complaint is rejected in full or II
II rejected I   50 EUR  I

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